Ron Zaagman
Vaulting Coach
Ron Zaagman is a three-time American Ninja Warrior, who loves all forms of exercise! Ron is married and a father of 3 wonderful children. He has coached Soccer, Ice Hockey, and Ninja and is excited to learn and teach Equestrian Vaulting.
Ron has been overcoming obstacles all my life. When he was 10 years old, he was diagnosed with childhood cancer. Doctors found a mass in my chest that surrounded my kidneys, my liver, and my lungs. Chemotherapy was supposed to last 9 months but my body couldn’t handle it and treatment lasted 15 months. Ron lost his appetite, his hair, and all of his strength. Ron is thankful to God and to family and friends and their prayers that helped him get better. Ron has been cancer free for more than 25 years! This new lease on life is why he is focused on health and spreading positivity!
His family’s horse journey began when we found therapeutic riding lessons for his son at Legacy Stables. Ron and his wife discovered that riding a horse had a very calming effect for our son. Soon his son was not just riding the horse, but was doing exercises that vaulters do! His son excelled and that inspired Ron to give it a go and ultimately led me to coaching!